As we have written, we started this journey on our website because of our concern for our democracy. We were not political. Yet the facts that were being revealed compelled us to try to express our concerns in the hope that others would become aware of the danger as we had, enabling all to take proper action.
Personally, we feel that belonging to a political
party is not patriotic in that it restricts individual freedoms, constraining
one within the parameters of the party.
We made the statement in We the People that the
two existing political parties are no more than an Elitist country club that
has conducted itself for the benefit of the powerbrokers, who with their
capital have in effect been running our country at the expense of “we the people.”
This is something that needs to be addressed by “we the people.”
However, something of greater concern, an even
greater threat to our democracy, has surfaced. For this reason we wrote the
book AN
ALARM WENT OFF When I Heard ‘G.D. America’. At this time we would like
to take the opportunity to share some of the foundation of our concern.
Growing up in the forties and fifties, we were
disturbed by the activities of the “Weather Underground”, a movement that
appeared in the sixties that displayed contemptuous hatred, even expressing the
desire to do anything within their power to bring harm to the United States
government and its capitalism. From our observations back then, this movement
had not developed strong roots as it seemed to have disappeared rather quickly.
However, then in 2008, we heard the expression “G.D. America” which shocked us
into investigating the roots of that statement. As we expressed in AN
ALARM WENT OFF apparently that hatred, born in the sixties, had grown
like a toxic weed infecting some of our universities as well as some of our
In 1971, Eric
Hoffer, an American social writer who was awarded the Presidential Medal of
Freedom in February, 1983, wrote in First Things, Last Things, page 71:
“Nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by
educated people as in America.” How much more applicable that statement is
Join with us as we piece together how this all
In the sixties there developed a rebellious nature
that wove its way into the fabric of our social uniform: resentment toward all
authority. The 1955 movie “Rebel Without a Cause” displayed how this attitude
was developing even then. It became socially acceptable to openly express
hatred toward the United States government.
Some of this hatred was supported by historical
facts that exposed atrocities carried out by the United States government:
i.e., the Indian Removal Act of 1830. History cannot be rewritten: The
treatment of the Native Americans was shameful. Davy Crockett, elected as a
congressman from Tennessee in 1826 and 1828, opposed the Indian Removal Act.
The powerbrokers of the day, the land speculators, were in full support of the
government’s actions. They successfully used their resources to defeat his reelection
in 1830.
In the expansion of its territory to the west coast,
the United States was not completely innocent, either.
However, regretfully, let’s be honest: no country on
the face of the earth has existed without some shameful events in their past:
Germany, Russia, England, China, and on and on. As we have written, justice
travels a crooked path and once achieved does not return to repair the
fractured pieces of the past. Now, we as humans can only secure justice for
ourselves in the present. To attempt otherwise will only inflict injustice on
innocent people.
The hatred of the sixties has grown. Its strongest
roots are in individuals who throughout history have displayed themselves as
having a manic narcissistic intellect. They have a sense of living above the
rim of humanity, feeling that the masses need to be held in check and under
control, their control. The masses are pitiable and incapable of self
Let’s look to some of our social writers and see how
they express this fact.
T.S. Elliot, The Cocktail Party, edited by
London: Faber and Faber, 1974, page 111: “Half the harm that is done in this
world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do
harm—but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they
justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock, edited by Walter
Hooper, 2002, page 292: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for
the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s
cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but
those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do
so with the approval of their own conscience.”
Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time, 1967, page
83: “A ruling intelligentsia, whether in Europe, Asia or Africa, treats the
masses as raw material to be experimented on, processed, and wasted at will.”
There are people who have a need to feel important.
In their manic narcissistic view “they begin thinking their reasoning is divine
and if anyone dares to question or challenge them they view these people as
heretics or apostates.” Downtown Tommy Brown, P.S. Norac.
From the sixties, this hatred for the United States
and its people has grown strong among the intellectual elite. Being socially accepted
into this group requires a like contempt. There are highly educated people who
have reached extraordinary accomplishments and we have no intent to diminish
them or detract from their due acknowledgement when we use the term “educated
fools.” However, as expressed in Intellectual Power, there are highly
educated persons who due to inadequate training or natural ability lack a
comprehensive approach and yet fall among those who are described as having a
need to feel important. The frightful thing is they act on this need, to the
detriment of others as expressed above by T.S. Elliot.
Let’s examine what is taking place today.
The thing that truly disturbs P.S. Norac is the
attempt to legislate restraints on carbon emissions; supposedly for the benefit
of protecting the earth and humanity. This reflects C.S. Lewis comment above: “…tyranny
sincerely exercised for the good of its victims…” Although there are thousands
of scientists who have expressed that this legislation is based on flawed
research and reason, tyrannically the government is still pursuing it. This has
the potential of costing thousands of dollars to each family. This falls in
line with the reasoning of manic narcissistic people, denying all other
intellect and input. However, P.S. Norac has demonstrated their reasoning falls
more in line with that of an educated fool.
As an example, trying to fortify their theory that
carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas is causing global warming, they chose to use
tree growth to establish a temperature history of Earth. Any comprehensive mind
would deduce that there are too many variables to have success in doing this;
yet these individuals in their manic state took off like a hyperventilating
Odie dog, of Garfield fame, making this study, not seeing or understanding the
facts. Not only are there too many variables, but carbon dioxide is a nutrient
necessary in tree growth. To a comprehensive mind it is inconceivable that they
did this.
The tragedy of this is that the economy and security
of the entire world is being threatened by individuals with this mental
Should we continue to allow these individuals to
control and impact our economy? Since the American people are sensitive to the
environment, these extremists have used the environment as a means to bring harm
to the United States. We at P.S. Norac, as well as most Americans, appreciate
the advancements that have been accomplished in environmental protection as
well as the exposure to practices that have threatened the welfare of many of
our citizens. But we shouldn’t forget that efforts that are being brought forth
by the extreme left with their contempt for the American people and the United
States government is not being generated from a desire to secure the ecology
but from a desire to further their hate and contempt.
As a result, we get more than half of our oil from
foreign sources who make no secret of their contempt for us. This has put us at
the mercy of other nations and has weakened our economy and threatened our
security. Imagine if we were getting most of our oil here in the United States
the trillions of dollars that would be circulating within our own economy
instead of enriching some already rich oil sheik. However, these extremists are
comfortable with this since it brings discomfort to the object of their
Let’s take time to examine some of the framework of
their reasoning.
Many on the extreme left feel that there should be a
one-world government and that the United States is the biggest obstacle to
accomplishing this. It can be easily demonstrated how incomprehensive their
reasoning is. Although one-world government might be manifest destiny, it is
only a weak mind lacking comprehension that would not understand that this is
not the time. When the majority of the world has little concern for human
rights, the weakening of the United States and other countries that have made
such advancements in human rights would result in an unimaginable tragedy. If
China or the Jihadists prevail, imagine the suffering.
The left are very narrow in their view of the world
when it comes to fuel prices. They feel that since many European countries pay
much more for a gallon of gas than the United States, Americans are recklessly
gluttonous and should adjust to a more European style of consumption. The Secretary
of Energy, Steven Chu, revealed that he concurred with this view in 2008 when
saying: “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to
the levels in Europe.”
Our entire way of life and the freedom we have here
in the United States is supported by having reasonable gas prices. We are not
Europe. We are dramatically different. We have many rural communities that are
supported by having reasonable costs in transportation. The population is too
sparse to support mass transit. The incomprehensiveness of these individuals could
be compared to trying to fit Shaquille O’Neal into a uniform designed for Danny
The extreme left also feels that there should be a
more global even distribution of wealth. A great example of this is the proposal
of Cap and Trade in which everyone would be given a certain amount of carbon
credits. In third world countries, where they would not consume enough fossil
fuels to use all their carbon credits, they could sell their credits to the
industrialized world with the result that the global wealth would be more
evenly distributed. If you take time to view this you will easily understand
that the reasoning was constructed by people lacking comprehension. It compares
in value to trying to use trees to establish temperature history. Anyone can
see that worldwide this could never be enforced. The powerbrokers would
position themselves to make great gain and the poor would remain neglected.
Richard Sandor, the brainchild of the CCX (Chicago
Climate Exchange), proposed that trillions of dollars could be made from this
Exchange. With Barack Obama’s coming from Chicago it is not surprising that we
would hear the statement, in January, 2008: “Under my plan of a Cap and Trade
system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
Realize that this is all based on the alleged fact that carbon dioxide is the
greenhouse gas mainly responsible for the alleged
global warming.
Speaking of “hyperventilating Odie dogs”, on April
24, 2012, the breaking headline news was: “Alert: ‘Gaia’ scientist James
Lovelock [who in 2007 predicted Global Warming Doom: “Billions of us will
die…”] reverses himself: I was ‘alarmist’ about climate change & so was Al
Gore! ‘The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we
knew 20 years ago’” (Published on You Tube by The Alex Jones Channel)
An alarm must be sounded! It is not the Democrats.
It is not the Republicans. It is the intellectually weak individuals who lack a
true comprehension of reality in both parties. Of this group, those on the
extreme left, with their ludicrous reasoning, i.e. that carbon dioxide is an
effective greenhouse gas, have damaged and are threatening the security of all humanity.
The highly polarized individuals cannot be altered;
that is not where our focus needs to be. But by bringing out these evident
truths and exposing how ridiculous their reasoning is, Americans, as they
always have, will adjust responsibly.
information needs your help to be heard: Get the conversation rolling.
this information as well as other pertinent information such as It’s Really Simple 1 & 2 published
on to all your friends.
In line with our MO of telling stories to help
people reason, we hope you are enlightened and entertained by the following:
Wealth does not appear in nature. It cannot be
picked from a tree or harvested from a bush. It is strictly a product of
Wealth by itself is not evil; however, it has been
used to empower people to do evil things. Wealth is basically a good thing. Since
it is not alive, does not have any malice or intent, it does not consider
justice or inequalities. It is just an “is” thing as inanimate objects are. It
was from the strength of wealth that the Roman aqueducts were built, bringing
benefits to all Romans, from the highest to the lowest citizen.
In reality it advances society. In the hands of
benevolent individuals it brings blessings to the less fortunate. A good
example of this is the stories about Gilgamesh that some feel inspired Moses to
write the Book of Job. Job is portrayed as a very wealthy man with an
unquestionable caring and benevolent nature. But take time to reason: if Job
said to himself, I am no more than one of these poor peasants; why should I
have so much, and as a result gave away all his wealth, imagine the devastating
affect this would have on the community. This one act of generosity would
destroy his means of future benevolent acts that would, no doubt, have
benefited the community in a more sustained manner. What we are establishing is
that sustained wealth can be a stabilizing benefit to the community.
Aaron Thompson was a board sawyer living in a rural,
heavily forested region of Wisconsin. When the opportunity to purchase a saw
mill came up, he made the move and became a small business owner.
He knew that he was a skilled board sawyer, but he
quickly learned there was much more to running a saw mill than just sawing
logs. Now he was faced with the need to market and distribute his product. After
due consideration, he trained his sons in the complexities of being a board
sawyer and struck out to market and distribute his product. Surprisingly his
skill as a board sawyer was quickly overshadowed by his marketing and
distributing skills. Soon, the mill was operating at high capacity, employing
over 40 people.
Aaron had now cultivated a very high standard of
living in the community. However, the employment of 40 plus people also
benefited the community, bringing material advantage to many of the local store
owners: gas stations, grocery stores and so on. Aaron was also very generous in
supporting the many local charities. In fact, many of them began to depend on
his generosity.
As is the nature of life, Aaron passed away. His
sons now had to take over the marketing and distribution of the product as well
as the physical side of operating the mill. They had become excellent board
sawyers and ran the yard with efficiency; however, it was soon apparent they
had not inherited their father’s marketing ability. As a result the operation
began going downhill. Within a few years the mill was closed and the employees
were laid off, having a devastating effect on the community. Other businesses
running on a very narrow margin of profit also had to go out of business.
A large majority of American workers are employed by
similar small companies. If you takes the time to drive around the United States
you will see many empty buildings that were built for some business venture.
This supports the fact that a lot of small businesses do not last – some for
only a few months, some for a few years, some for decades and some for
The wealth that was generated by Aaron’s business no
longer existed: the community suffered. It is very important that small
businesses are enabled to sustain their wealth for as long as possible for the
benefit of the communities. As with any business there will be ups and downs in
which good businessmen save capital in order to survive the low times.
Our present tax structure is not conducive to
sustaining small businesses. And yet, it allows large loop holes for the large corporations
to exploit. Burdening small businesses with extra taxes, whether income taxes
or taxes on such things as carbon footprint or mandated employee health insurance, only discourages the entrepreneurs
that America needs. Presently we have coal-fired plants that are closing
because of EPA regulations based on a factor that doesn’t even exist. How can
this administration say that it cares for the American people when it
recklessly takes away their jobs?
Barry had just turned 7 years old and was feeling
very good. His grandfather had given him $20 for his birthday. He had never had
this much money before in his life. He imagined it could buy him anything he
With a skip and a run he went next door where his
best friend lived. He was eager to tell Marty about his riches. Marty’s mom was
getting ready to do some shopping and asked Barry if he would like to go along.
When he said yes, she called Barry’s mother and the three were on their way.
Arriving at the shopping center, Marty asked if he
and Barry could go to the toy section. His mother gave permission, calling “You
know what the rules are,” as the two friends bolted off. Marty was in the lead
as they came to the toy aisles and turned to Barry as he pointed at a toy robot,
“Can you afford this?” Barry assured him that he had plenty of money. He had
Grampa’s money. They went from one toy to another planning together all the
things Barry could buy with his money. Each time Barry exclaimed that he could
afford to buy that with Grampa’s money.
With their window shopping done, they went to find
Marty’s mother. On the trip home Barry chattered on and on about all the things
he was going to get. Finally it was time to go home and Barry excitedly told
his mother about all the things he was going to buy with Grampa’s money. His
mother realized that Barry wasn’t dealing with reality and feared that he would
be disappointed and tried to explain not to get his hopes up too far. But Barry
wouldn’t listen; after all he had Grampa’s money!
We now have an administration that acts like they
have “Grampa’s money,” After all, they can tax the rich. When asked if they can
afford any particular project the answer comes, “Sure, I can tax the rich.” In
reality, you can only tax the rich so much before you destroy the wealth that
supplies the security that society needs.
Walter and Mary Arnold spent the first ten years of
their marriage unsuccessfully trying to have a child. Finally Mary was able to
carry to term and a blessing filled their life in a 7 lb 8 oz little girl they named
Nancy. Unquestionably, this little girl was the love of their life. There was
nothing they wouldn’t do for her.
When Nancy was 16 years old, Walter and Mary decided
to buy a small Mom and Pop convenience store.
The purchase wiped out their savings and they knew they would be struggling
for awhile. Walter had taken interest in a certain product line that he thought
would be a potential money maker. When he called the vendor to make a purchase,
the vendor asked how he would be paying. Since they hadn’t done business
before, arrangements were agreed upon to pay C.O.D. until credit was
The morning of the delivery, Nancy bounced into the
store. Her energy radiated like sunshine around her. How Walter loved his
daughter. “Daddy, can I have money to buy a new skirt?” Nancy asked. “I don’t
know, Nancy, money’s pretty tight right now,” Walter said, but the hesitation
in his voice told her he was having a hard time saying no. “Well, how much is
it going to cost?” he relented. “Twenty dollars,” was Nancy’s response. “Well,
go to the cash register and take out what you need.”
It was a busy day and Walter forgot about the
episode. Two o’clock that afternoon the expected delivery arrived. The driver
cheerfully set up the display where Walter had prepared for it. When it was all
set up it looked good. Walter went to the register to get cash for the payment.
To his embarrassment he didn’t have enough. With a red face, Walter explained
that he didn’t know what had happened but he didn’t have enough money to cover
the bill. The driver said he would have to call in and see what his boss wanted
to do.
Walter could tell from the one side of the
conversation that he could hear that there was a quandary whether they should
just take the product back or make arrangements. Finally, it was concluded that
if Walter could come up with a third of the bill, they would leave half the
product and readjust on the next delivery. Walter agreed.
After the driver had rearranged the display and left
with half the product, Walter opened the cash register and started to check the
receipts to find out how he could have miscalculated so badly. Walter was
dismayed to find there was about $200 missing. What could have happened to $200
he thought? He started going back over the day, worried that someone must have
stolen money from the register while he wasn’t looking. Then he remembered the
exchange with Nancy. But she’d only needed $20 for a skirt. Well, she might
have some idea what had happened to the rest, he thought.
Just then the door opened and Nancy walked into the
store in a new outfit. Walter’s heart sank. He couldn’t believe his little girl
would do this. “How much money did you take this morning, Nancy?” he asked.
“Oh, I think about $200.” She said innocently. “$200? But you said a skirt cost
$20,” Walter exclaimed. “It did,” Nancy smiled as she twirled to show off the
new skirt, “but you said take what I needed and I needed a new blouse and shoes
and purse to go with it. Aren’t they pretty?”
She glanced at her father and realized that
something was not right. “Did I do something wrong, Daddy? I still have $50
left. Do you want it?”
Walter ran a hand over his face before explaining,
“Yes, Nancy, I need that $50. I was short and couldn’t pay for that new product
delivery today.”
Nancy’s face dropped, she was hurt that she had
disappointed her father.
“What did you spend $150 on?” Walter asked, trying
to keep calm. “Well,” she hesitated. “They had a sale on manicures at the
Mall.” Walter looked at his daughter unbelievingly. “Then I needed a pedicure
for my new fancy sandals,” she finished, apologetically. Walter was ready to
lose it, “A pedicure!”
Nancy’s eyes watered, realizing how upset her father
Our government has acted with less responsibility
than our teenage character Nancy. When it became evident that our economy was
in deep trouble a $700,000,000,000.00 stimulus package was enacted. There were
many ridiculous investments that had very little potential to create lasting
jobs. It takes very little research to confirm this statement.
Considering the need to cut back on expenditures,
Harry Reid was offended that his state of Nevada would suffer consequences if
the January cowboy poetry festival had to be eliminated because of suggested
cuts to the National Endowment of the Arts which underwrites the festival. The
expenditure for cowboy poetry had less real value than our character Nancy’s
need for a pedicure.
Americans are upset. They need a break from this
reckless, juvenile mentality that is bankrupting our country from Washington.
Using the same mentality: You said take what I needed; do we really need
this type of expenditure?
P.S. Norac feels that the presidential election of
2012 should not be exclusively focused on the deficiencies of the Obama
Administration. Disappointingly, the evidence reveals that Barack Obama has
merely been the puppet of the extreme left; i.e., the Keystone Pipeline. There
are thousands of miles of pipeline in the United States that are being operated
safely and efficiently and creating thousands of jobs for Americans.
How can an administration say that it cares for the
American people when it denies the potential jobs that would be created by this
new pipeline?
During the Gulf oil crisis, when
other countries came forward to offer skimmers to aid in the cleanup, this
administration declined their assistance. This resulted in more damage to the
coast as the oil came ashore less restricted.
Example: This administration put a moratorium on
drilling. As a result many of the oil rigs have been relocated to other parts
of the world and many Americans have lost their jobs.
can this administration say that it cares for its people when it takes away
their jobs?
Example: The extreme left has concocted the
theory that carbon dioxide is an effective greenhouse gas. P.S. Norac and many
others have decisively shown that this is “The Greatest Hoax” as Senator Inhofe
titled his book on the subject. This hoax has created many unjustified
expenditures around the world; money that could have been more effectively
spent. To allow the left to pursue their desires in relationship to carbon
dioxide could bankrupt many companies as well as many countries. By all
appearances this would be the fulfillment of the extreme left’s
anti-capitalist, anti-industrial desire. By all observations these extremists are
incapable of comprehending the magnitude of the harm their actions could bring
to humanity. T.S. Elliot made us aware of this: “… but the harm does not
interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it …”
removal of Barack Obama as president will not eliminate this threat. What is
needed is a direct exposure of the extreme left’s mental deficiencies,
humiliating and ridiculing them. It is time for the Democrats and the Liberals
to rid themselves of these parasites that have maligned their cause. History
shows that Democrats and Liberals have conducted themselves with nobility in
the past.
It is our hope that some of the
Super PACs will see the value of what we are saying and introduce ads that will
effectively expose this detriment.
information needs your help to be heard: Get the conversation rolling.
this information as well as other pertinent information such as It’s Really Simple 1 & 2 published
on to all your friends.
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