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Saturday, April 7, 2012


When we began this mission, we were not politically active. But a few shocking statements we heard caused us to look more deeply into matters confronting our Democracy.

One of the paths we took was to look into exactly what greenhouse gases and global warming was all about. As we commenced our research, we came across a startling fact: the ratio that exists between Earth’s atmosphere and carbon dioxide is 2583 to 1. Immediately we concluded that we were being scammed: there was something wrong. However, we couldn’t believe that anyone could be that evil, so we felt there must be something we were missing. Following is a breakdown of the path we took that supports our conclusion. IT’S REALLY SIMPLE: There isn’t enough carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to be an effective greenhouse gas.

Our research began with an article entitled “Atmosphere of Earth” in Wikipedia. The pie graphs in this article jumped out at us as we saw the dimension of the various components of Earth’s atmosphere. Something didn’t compute. Next we researched the article “Greenhouse Gas” in Wikipedia. At first glance, their explanation of greenhouse gases sounded very technical and really scientific. But in analysis we realized it did not address one of our major concerns: the ratio between Earth’s total atmosphere and carbon dioxide. In the article “The Great Global Warming Hoax?” on The Middlebury Community Network site does give some clarity to the ratio issue, justifying our concerns.

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