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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The GHG advocates have effectively shut down all debate.
This is wrong.
It’s really simple:  There isn’t enough carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to be an effective greenhouse gas.
This fact is the Achilles heel of the extreme left: The crack in the wall that can be used to expose their desire to bring harm to the U.S. as clearly proclaimed by Bill Ayers.
Please help us hammer a wedge into this crack to expose the danger that is threatening our Democracy.
The world deserves it.
Read: IT'S REALLY SIMPLE (click at left)
Follow this blog as we take you step by step, using high school science to establish why we say the GHG advocates are wrong.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Alarm Went Off

P. S. Norac is pleased to announce the release of our new book, AN ALARM WENT OFF When I Heard "G.D. America". This is a collection of short stories and commentaries on today's social issues.

We are pleased to include in this publication the complete stories: "Cousin Eddy Takes on Greenhouse Gases"; "LARRY"; "Where Will Liberty Live"; all previously published at www.psnorac.com. As an added bonus we have included a new story entitled: "GIBBY". We invite you to read an excerpt from this story by clicking here.

We cannot emphasize too strongly the concern we feel for the future of our way of life. We invite all like-minded citizens to join with us in doing what we can to ensure a bright future for our children and grandchildren.

Please purchase a copy of AN ALARM WENT OFF When I Heard "G.D. America" from our publisher for $13.50. Please click here to purchase.

Thank you for your continued support.