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It's Really Simple

It's really simple:  There isn't enough carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere to be an effective greenhouse gas.

In April of 2010 we published the fact that there is not enough carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere to be an effective Greenhouse Gas. We invited anyone to prove us wrong. No one has seriously taken the challenge.

Greenhouse Gas advocates have influenced the world to invest massive amounts of money that has threatened the very economy of some countries. In view of the fact that we are being told that regulations need to be enforced, because of carbon dioxide, that will cause our electricity bills to skyrocket – it is estimated that the average family’s electric bill will increase by thousands of dollars a year, all of us should demand that these advocates prove P.S. Norac, and all other challengers, wrong! The world deserves it. It is too serious to ignore. Since P.S. Norac describes himself as a simple, hard-iron guy, this should be an easy task.

However, the GHG advocates have successfully shut down all debate. As an example: Physicist Frederick Seitz supported the Global Warming Petition Project. Dr. Seitz was President of the US National Academy of Sciences and of Rockefeller University. He received the National Medal of Science, the Compton Award, the Franklin Medal, and numerous other awards, including honorary doctorates from 32 Universities around the world. There were 31,487 American scientists who signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. These individuals, who were concerned enough to put their names on this petition, perceived the science of the GHG advocates to be inaccurate and flawed. Their voice was stifled by the GHG advocates saying that these scientists did not have the proper credentials to address this issue. However, P.S. Norac says that the GHG advocates can be successfully challenged using simple high school science.

If you agree that the GHG advocates should confront the challenges to their theory, please FORWARD this information on to as many people as you can. We all deserve to know the truth.

In P.S. Norac’s story LARRY, President Slaughter’s father told him, “There are just too damned many educated fools…” Sooner or later in your life you will be confronted with this type of person. They take you into the stratosphere with their lofty reasoning – until you confront them with a simple fact that shatters their delusional fabrication.

A good example of this is the highly educated individuals who present carbon dioxide as a viable greenhouse gas that they say is contributing to global warming. They reason that this can be proven by the width of tree rings, not taking into consideration this simple fact: carbon dioxide is a nutrient needed in photosynthesis, which is necessary to the natural growth of trees. The increase in carbon dioxide, as a nutrient, would in reality be more of a factor in tree growth than the increase in temperature.

The noted geologist, Leighton Steward, a one time proponent that carbon dioxide was causing global warming, appeared before congress to testify to his concerns that cap and trade legislation could actually hurt the environment. His position was that more, not less, carbon dioxide, a vital nutrient in plant growth, was needed to sustain and expand plant growth. Thousands of studies have shown conclusively that enriching the air with carbon dioxide stimulates the growth and development of nearly all plants. His concerns can be further justified by the fact that carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis is the only way we humans get the oxygen we need.

P.S. Norac writes about the people who touch the earth. The hands-on workers of this world develop a physical awareness of dimension. As an example, in the story of COUSIN EDDY, Evan was able to size up the field that he was plowing and determine that he could complete the plowing in that day. That was because he understood the language of dimension. Another example is the father of Darren, Darrell and Liberty in the story WHERE WILL LIBERTY LIVE: He was a board sawyer who could look at a log and determine how many board feet of lumber it would produce.

It is understandable that an individual who has spent decades in application of physical dimensions would immediately see an incongruity in the statement that 387 ppm (387 parts per million) of carbon dioxide is having an effect on Earth’s atmosphere. This is a 2583-to-1 ratio.

In COUSIN EDDY, his father and he design a cube 14”x14”x14” in which they could create an atmosphere similar to that of Earth. Of the 2744 cubic inches in the cube’s dimension, less than 1 cubic inch would represent carbon dioxide. Now let’s understand dimension. In order for carbon dioxide in this cube to raise the entire cube’s temperature by 1 calorie, it would have to have the capacity to gather and release 2743 calories of heat. Add to this the fact that carbon dioxide is a poor heat medium: This is a physical impossibility.

From our observations, GHG advocates, in their discussion of tree rings, have failed to reconcile the obvious fact that carbon dioxide is a nutrient needed in the growth of trees. Also, in our observations, they have failed to reconcile the dramatic ratio that exists between the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere compared with Earth's total atmosphere. In reading through their material, the only thing that comes close to an attempt to explain this ratio is when they address themselves to electromagnetic frequencies, which we discuss in our story COUSIN EDDY. Due to the fact they deliberately falsified information about tree rings, which came to be called "Climate Gate", we have become confused as to whether their neglect to address these two vital issues is out of malice or their lack of soundness of mind.

Read the above mentioned stories in our book AN ALARM WENT OFF When I Heard “G.D. America”. Purchase Here.

     List Price: $13.50

In line with P.S. Norac’s MO of telling short stories to create understanding, let me tell you about Joe Ellingworth:

Joe’s company was relocating him to northern Maine. Joe and Jane, his wife, and two young daughters were eager to make this move. They had never lived in a community that had snow. However, they were concerned about being able to tolerate the extreme cold they had heard about. They certainly had been told about the cold.

Arriving in town late on Sunday, they called the potential landlord who owned the house they had located on the Internet. The house showed great potential from the pictures posted and they were excited to see if it met their expectations in reality. They requested a showing the next morning and arranged to meet the owner of the property at 10:30.

As they drove up the long tree-lined drive, the house appeared to support their hopes. They were a few minutes early so they proceeded to walk around the premises. Everything seemed to be positive. However, the owner was forty-five minutes late. They all agreed that things do happen so they moved forward.

The owner, a small, slim man, shook hands all around, introducing himself as Ansel Smith. Immediately they felt there was something strange about this individual. Some of his comments didn’t border on reality. However, they continued to inspect the house, room by room, and everything was beautiful.

Joe asked Ansel, “How do you heat this place.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Ansel responded. “I provide all the heat.”

“Well, that’s very generous,” Jane, the family bookkeeper, acknowledged.

Ansel walked into the kitchen, opened a drawer and pulled out a candle. Lighting it he said, “This is all you’ll ever need.” He motioned to the drawer full of candles. “If you run out I’ll get you some more.”

Jane looked at Joe. They knew they were "from away", but did they look that gullible?

Now this is an exaggerated example: however, it serves to demonstrate how gullible the Greenhouse Gas theorists think the public is. There isn’t enough heat from that candle, or any number of candles in each room, to heat a house in a northern Maine winter – just as there isn’t enough carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to have a serious effect on Earth’s temperature.

I am sure you, the reader, are able to understand the dimension between the candle, the size of the house and the ability to heat it. I am hoping that you will understand the dimension between the displacement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to Earth’s entire atmosphere.

IT’S REALLY SIMPLE: There isn’t enough carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere to be an effective Greenhouse Gas.

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